McLEAN, Va. — NADA University, an online education and training resource for auto dealers and their staffs, announced the launch of a new Website,, featuring its “Dealer Pain Points” videos to help dealers resolve business challenges and create new opportunities for success.

The videos showcase brief scenarios and vignettes reflecting “real-life” situations in all areas of the dealership that can impact performance and profitability. They include tips and strategies from NADA University experts to address the specific “pain point” and find a resolution in each case. 

Featured videos include:

•Boosting Online Success

•Requirement for Credit Customer Notices

•Perishable Profits

•Low Service Contract Sales

•Stolen Service Profits

“For dealers and managers addressing the everyday challenges of running their businesses, the ‘pain points’ website from NADA University informs you with clear, realistic direction on ‘what to do’ to maximize performance for the long-term,” said John Lyboldt, vice president of dealership operations at the National Automobile Dealers Association.  “For more detailed assistance on ‘how to do it,’ each ‘pain point’ features an interactive PDF recap of the related training and resources available in NADA University.”

To access “Dealer Pain Points,” visit and select from the Featured Videos or search by department and topic. Dealers can also learn how to access all the training and resources of NADA University that address each “pain point.”