LAKEWOOD RANCH, Fla. — Cactus Sky and Peter Martin will reintroduce the “Web Doc” in August to help auto dealers navigate and succeed in the ever-changing world of online marketing. 

According to the National Automobile Dealers Association, more than 30 percent of a dealer’s sales are generated from the Internet. But keeping up with the Internet constant evolution is challenging. For example, Google changes its ranking algorithms over 500 times a year, which amounts to twice a day. 

New websites seem to appear daily and new trends like online reputation management are born. According to a recent Google study, the average consumer visits 18 websites prior to visiting a dealership. This new trend has created yet another aspect of Internet marketing that dealers now need to address.

In 1999, Martin introduced the “Web Doc” to the automotive industry on the ASTN show, “Net Gain Success on the Internet.” The show was a huge success and was one of the most popular shows on the network, largely impart to the growth of the Internet at the time. And with the auto industry on the rebound, Cactus Sky decided to bring back the “Web Doc” and focus on providing dealers with a resource to get unbiased advice.  

The original Web Docs show provided tips and advice to dealers as to how to expand their web presence and increase their online marketing effectiveness. The “Web Doc” also provided reviews of actual dealer websites and coached dealers on how to improve their website and its effectiveness. The new and improved Web Doc will bring back the same successful formula, but add to the mix reviews on new products and services. 

 “My goal is to provide dealers with a resource that they can trust and help them navigate the ever-changing online environment,” said Martin.

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