DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — DMEautomotive has launched a new card-free customer loyalty program designed to spare dealerships of the accounting headaches of carrying earned, but not redeemed, reward points on their books, the company announced this week.

Called DMEaCustomer Loyalty, the program allows customers to automatically receive rewards points based dollars spent or visits to the dealership. It also provides extensive reporting options so that dealers can easily measure and monitor results and their return on investment, according to the company.

"We listened to what both consumers and dealers want in a loyalty program: no administrative hassles, no cards, greater flexibility and cost-efficiency," said Mike Walther, president and CEO of DMEautomotive. "Dealerships need to spend their valuable resources on selling to those customers most likely to spend, rather than wasting hours with the complicated administrative and accounting tasks that most points-based loyalty programs require.”

DMEautomotive's Customer Loyalty program is available to all customers who use DMEautomotive's Customer Journey Programs. For more information, visit