HENDERSON, Nev. — Retail automotive industry veteran Ron Fortt announced the launch of Automotive Retail Solutions (ARS), an independent consulting and training company providing products and services to the automotive industry. The company had been piloting in select dealerships for the past two years and is now ready to launch.

ARS’ programs include service advisor training, business development centers, service drive extended contract sales, windshield repair training, equipment, software licensing and in-store support.

“We assist our clients in increasing their profitability with their existing service customers,” said Fortt, ARS president. “Our all-inclusive turnkey approach increases the dealership’s net profit with virtually no out of pocket investment.”

The company trains the dealer’s service department to identify the best sales and profit opportunities. It also helps clients convey the benefits to their service customers, according to ARS, as well professionally trains the dealership staff in how to conduct repairs for the products it offers.

Fortt has more than 36 years of experience in automotive retail, and has served as treasurer of the Toyota Lexus Minority Dealers Association and on the Toyota National Dealer Council Advisory Board. He is also co-founder of OneCommand, a digital communications company specializing in the automotive industry.

For more information, visit www.arspromise.com.