When | Apr 06, 2011 - Apr 06, 2011 |
Lafayett, Indiana
Lafayette Executive Plaza and Conference Center
What can you learn at a one day seminar?
You can learn how to use the easy, simple process that produced the top F&I departments in the US and Canada.
In 2010, Team One Group’s training and processes produced 92 of the top 100 and the overwhelming majority of the top performing F&I departments in the country. Since creating the first old style, four column F&I menus in the early 1990’s, Team One Research and Training has worked with the top F&I managers in the country to develop the best F&I processes and techniques for the F&I Manager.
Over the last 19 years, through “real world” research and testing in real F&I departments, Team One has identified the keys to F&I success. That’s how we produced the top performers. One of the things we were able to develop is an F&I process that is easy. That’s right. Easy. As a matter of fact, the process we will show you is so easy, you will think it can’t possibly work. But it does.
Our top performers are averaging under 20 minutes, total F&I time, including paperwork. How do they do that? It's easy and simple. We'll show you how.
Yeah, but I hate training!
We understand. Most training classes are boring drawn out affairs with a lot of fluff and theory. Not this one. First, there is no embarrassing videotaping or role playing in front of the group. Second, this event will be conducted by George Angus. If you haven't seen George in action, you won't want to miss this chance. George has worked with, trained, and knows the secrets of the top F&I departments in the country. His lively presentation gets right to the point with real life answers in an easy, simple, fun, and entertaining way. By every standard, George has been ranked by F&I Managers as the best trainer in the country.
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