Quantum5’s BDC training program uses a three-step process to help dealerships improve customer communication, build meaningful relationships, and manage customer expectations to improve overall...

Quantum5’s BDC training program uses a three-step process to help dealerships improve customer communication, build meaningful relationships, and manage customer expectations to improve overall BDC profits. 

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – Quantum5, a platform to transform dealership training and bridge the gap between the traditional and digital customer, announced the next big evolution for Business Development Center (BDC) training by announcing their People-First BDC program. 

Created and developed by well-known BDC professional Sarah Vantine, Quantum5’s BDC training program uses a three-step process to help dealerships improve customer communication, build meaningful relationships, and manage customer expectations to improve overall BDC profits. 

“This is essentially a best practices course built through Sarah’s own experience as a highly-successful BDC Manager during her time with Scott Clark Auto Group,” said David O’Brien, CEO and co-founder of Quantum5. “By combining Sarah’s extensive expertise with Quantum5’s sustainment tools, such as the interactive app and continuing support with community managers, our early adopters are seeing huge gains in their overall profits and customer relations.”

The successful three phase program includes: 

  • A Design Phase: A comprehensive skills assessment and CRM review is performed to gauge competency and spot problem areas.
  •  On-site Training Phase:  Three days of hands-on learning at the dealership covering in-bound and outbound calls with a learning lab for hands-on help with live calls. 
  • Learning Sustainment Phase: Weekly contact with community managers, monthly contact for management with the community architect, and daily connection with the team through the Quantum5 app for sustained learning over time.

Unlike other training programs, Quantum5 joins the power of in-person skills training with backend technology that includes AI learning, gamification, and community building to create ongoing proficiency in learners. As BDC teams work their way through the different levels of the app, they become skilled at determining needs and motivations of buyers, delivering value and handling objections. These skills work together to increase both sales and upsell service opportunities within the BDC. 

“Quantum5 has their finger on the pulse of what is needed to guide today’s digital customer into transacting with the dealership with confidence,” said Vantine, Vice President of Business Development Strategy at Quantum5. “By putting people first and empowering our learners to navigate complex customer situations, our business development strategy is a win-win for the dealership and their customers.” 

To take advantage of end of the year special training packages for dealers and find out more about our People-First BDC program, please click here.

Originally posted on Auto Dealer Today

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