For more than 50 years, ASE has been a unifying force to improve the quality of repair and service in the transportation industry through testing and certification. With ASE, every professional technician can demonstrate their technical capability to the standards and tasks defined by their peers and experts in all areas of service, repair and diagnosis – across automotive, truck/heavy equipment and collision repair disciplines.
I am incredibly excited and honored to serve as the chair for the ASE Board of Directors in 2024. Through ASE, technicians, shop owners, dealers, parts makers, manufacturers of tools and equipment, service information providers and vehicle manufacturers all come together with one aim – elevate our profession and the results we all deliver to the motoring public.
This is a year of action and change at ASE. The challenges of repairing and servicing across all forms of vehicles have never been greater. The pressures facing working technicians have also never been higher. Now more than ever, the standards and structure that ASE and the ASE Education Foundation provide for our profession are needed to support our trade and provide confidence to the consumer. It is our responsibility, as a board and with industry partners, to help ASE advance to meet the realities of today’s market, support a pipeline for future technicians and elevate the value of professional certification for all. Working with and through the ASE leadership team, we are committed to:
- Confirm and update the alignment of ASE education standards and professional testing with the technologies on the road and in your shops.
- Streamline access and availability of testing.
- Elevate the understanding and visibility of professional technician development and certification by service professionals, consumers, service providers and other stakeholders.
Nearly a quarter million service professionals, and more than 72,000 students, are currently certified by ASE. My challenge to all of us involved in the service or repair of motor vehicles, trucks and heavy equipment is to get engaged with ASE. Participate in the industry surveys of current work, join the technical webinars, promote our profession and importantly, get certified if you are not and if you are certified, promote the value of an industry standard measure of knowledge and capability. ASE is an organization that serves technicians and the entire motoring public so let us work together and deliver on the mission of professional service and quality repair.
Originally posted on Auto Dealer Today
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