DALLAS — Organizers of the annual Industry Summit announced that Wendy Reeves, BDC trainer for DealerStrong, will deliver two featured presentations dedicated to BDC ops at this year’s Special Finance Conference. Industry Summit, which also includes The Best Training Day Ever, F&I Think Tank and Compliance Summit, will be held Sept. 11–14, 2017, at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Dallas.

“Whatever the economic climate, dealers must remain dedicated to their primary goal of setting appointments that show and selling cars,” Reeves said. “Every lead counts, and if your BDC is not firing on all cylinders, you are losing sales and giving ground to your competitors.”

Both of Reeves’ sessions will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 13. At 11:35 a.m., she will present “The ABCs of Success in the BDC: Accountability, Best Practices, and Coaching,” in which she will list and expand upon the three essential components of a top-performing BDC. She will return to the SFC stage at 4:05 p.m. to deliver “Defining the Role & Duties of the Business Development Manager,” a comprehensive review of the BDC manager’s responsibilities as well as pitfalls that can distract and derail a BDC team.

“Wendy Reeves is a leader in her field and an integral part of the Special Finance Conference,” said David Gesualdo, Industry Summit show chair and publisher of Auto Dealer Today and F&I and Showroom. “Every dealer and BDC manager in attendance will draw useful knowledge from her sessions, and many will leave with an entirely new perspective on this important department.”

Registration for Industry Summit 2017 is open at the event’s website. Attendees who register by Aug. 11 will enjoy a $100 discount. To discuss sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, contact David Gesualdo at (727) 947-4027 or via email.