ALBANY, N.Y. — Auto/Mate achieved a Net Promoter Score of +59 on its 2018 customer loyalty survey conducted in Q4 2018, the company announced. This score places Auto/Mate above some of the most respected brands in the world and is nearly double the software industry average of +31. The score is also 31% higher than the last time Auto/Mate conducted the survey in Q2 2016, when it achieved an NPS score of +45.
“This shows that our software and support just continue to get better,” said Mike Esposito, president and CEO of Auto/Mate. “I think our dealers really appreciate the fact that we try to earn their business every day and that we give them all of our software upgrades and new features without charging them or trying to lock them into long-term contracts.”
The NPS is a highly regarded metric that has been adopted by more than two thirds of Fortune 1000 companies. The metric is used to gauge customer loyalty and the standardized measure allows for apples-to-apples comparisons within and across industries. An NPS can be as low as -100 or as high as +100. Any score above “0” is considered good and a NPS of + 50 is regarded as excellent.
Originally posted on Auto Dealer Today
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