Any vehicle purchased on TradeRev in the U.S. within 300 miles of the buying dealer will be delivered in three-days or less—Guaranteed.

Any vehicle purchased on TradeRev in the U.S. within 300 miles of the buying dealer will be delivered in three-days or less—Guaranteed.

CARMEL, Ind. – TradeRev, a digital marketplace platform of global vehicle remarketing and technology solutions provider KAR Auction Services, Inc., d/b/a KAR Global (NYSE: KAR), announces the return of its popular Move Metal® transport guarantee. While aiming to offer the fastest payment-to-delivery time in the entire country, TradeRev’s commitment gives dealers confidence that their purchases will arrive faster and retail-ready for sale. With the Move Metal guarantee, all vehicles purchased with transport in the app within 300 miles of their lot will arrive within three business days or less, or the delivery charge is free. 

At a time when dealers are broadening their inventory searches across a wider variety of geographies, a speedy and reliable transportation solution is key to turning vehicles and making a profit.

“TradeRev aims to provide dealers a fast, convenient, straightforward and rewarding experience, every time—from searching, bidding and buying to payment and shipping,” said Mark Endras, co-founder and president of TradeRev. “Time is money for dealers, and they want speed and predictability while moving fresh inventory to their lots. We’re the first and only auction, in-lane or online, to offer dealers a money-back transport guarantee, earning trust from dealers to deliver dependable inventory fast and on-time.”

TradeRev first launched the Move Metal transport guarantee in the U.S. this February and temporarily paused the program due to COVID-related interstate commerce restrictions and stay-at-home orders. On Oct. 9, TradeRev relaunched the program at a time when adoption of its digital platform is at an all-time high and transportation across state-lines has sky-rocketed. 

“At a time when dealers are broadening their inventory searches across a wider variety of geographies, a speedy and reliable transportation solution is key to turning vehicles and making a profit,” commented Endras. “TradeRev is committed to delivering cars faster than anyone else and simplifying the entire bidding and buying experience. Dealers can check-out with transport, pay and track their delivery all within our easy-to-use platform, eliminating complexity and pain points for dealers.”

Adding to TradeRev’s Move Metal guarantee is its 2020 flat-fee shipping program available to all U.S.-based dealers, offering a deep discount well below retail vehicle delivery pricing. From zero to 500 miles, TradeRev’s flat transport rates mean more control and transparency, providing dealers with up-front pricing details before a bid is even placed. The flat-fee transportation program is provided by CarsArrive Network, a KAR Global company and leading provider of automated vehicle shipping services.

TradeRev is a live, 45-minute digital auto auction giving dealers virtual access to a highly active national marketplace with thousands of vehicles. For more information on TradeRev’s Move Metal guarantee or 2020 flat-fee transportation program, please visit

Originally posted on Auto Dealer Today

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