LAS VEGAS — Compliance will take center stage at Industry Summit 2015, with the event’s program featuring five sessions — three workshops and two panels — that will provide an update on the industry’s campaign against regulatory overreach, a review of the current rules and regulations governing the F&I office, and tips on how F&I managers can make compliance work for them.

The compliance portion of Industry Summit’s 2015 program opens on Thursday, Sept. 10, at 9 a.m. with a keynote address from Andy Koblenz, executive vice president of legal and regulatory affairs and general counsel for the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). He will take attendees inside the industry’s biggest regulatory challenges, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

“Andy has been at the forefront of the NADA’s advocacy efforts since 2006,” said David Gesualdo, publisher of Auto Dealer Monthly and F&I and Showroom magazines. “If you want to know what the CFPB’s activities mean to your operation, you can’t afford to miss his presentation.”

Following Koblenz’s address will be “From the Board Room,” a panel discussion that will include Tim Blockowiak of Protective Asset Protection, Alan Bond of GSFSGroup, John Luckett of Resource Agent Group/First Extended, and Eric Mélon of IAS. They will delve into a host of topics, including reports that the CFPB is turning its sights toward F&I product sales. The session will be moderated by Gregory Arroyo, editorial director of F&I and Showroom and Auto Dealer Monthly magazines.

George Angus, considered the Father of the F&I Menu, will take to the stage at 11:15 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 10, to deliver “Making Compliance Work for You.” During his session, Angus will address the current regulatory climate and will reveal some of the strategies and techniques that have allowed some of the industry’s top dealerships to use rules and regulations to their advantage.

Tariq Kamal, managing editor of Auto Dealer Monthly, will then moderate “Passing the Compliance Test,” a panel that will include Lewis Kuhl, senior counsel and director of regulatory compliance for GSFSGroup, David Robertson, executive director of the Association of Finance and Insurance Professionals, Damon Wiener, vice president and general counsel of Safe-Guard Products International, and Mad Marv Eleazer, finance director at Langdale Ford in Valdosta, Ga.

“You’re going to hear from F&I product execs, agents and even dealers about the current regulatory climate,” said Arroyo. “And in between those discussions, we have George Angus leading a workshop on how to make the rules and regulations work for you. We couldn’t put together a better mix.”

Rounding out Industry Summit’s compliance sessions will be Courtney Hennessey, manager of learning and development for Ally Financial. She will present “Compliance: Current Trends & Management Risk” at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 10. She will delve into recent headlines and provide an update on the rules and actions in the compliance arena.

“Courtney is going to provide attendees with the resources they need to keep them, their F&I teams and their dealerships out of the regulatory crosshairs,” Arroyo said. “This will be a must-attend session.”